Policy and Facilitationen

Our approach with working with organizations is to understand and work through transitional moments.

Bersama is called on to help groups reach consensus, facilitate decision making and support in the development of policy. We work at the organizational level as we at the governmental level. Our approach with working with organizations is to understand and work through transitional moments. We do this by understanding and building organizational processes and systems.  

Bersama has worked with ministries of education and health to incorporate gender equity within systems. Working with such donors as DFID and UN partners such as UNICEF, Bersama team members have identified practical strategies for scale up of successful programs that support gender equality. Bersama works with staff at the ministries to develop guidelines and support policy development on behalf of girls and young women.

Project 1

Gender Club Guidelines Development for UNICEF and Ministry of Education in Ethiopia

This work included

  • Revising gender club guidelines to be used by the Ministry of Education to establish gender clubs in upper primary and lower secondary schools across the country

  • Reviewing the existing guidelines and revise with practical and systematic steps for schools to incorporate gender clubs

  • Working with UNICEF’s lead on gender clubs to identify co-curricular aspects that gender clubs can support